As you may have heard, in recent months two Asian American residents of Beaumont-Wilshire reached out to the Neighborhood Association after two separate incidents of racial harassment directed at them, dispiriting news right here in our neighborhood.
This fits a deplorable national increase in hate crimes targeting Asian people. As has been expressed by the Greater Portland Chinese American Community coalition, “These crimes hurt not only Asian Americans but also all our communities in this country. Discrimination of any kind is a shameful part of our society, and hate—not a virus—is a pandemic that will destroy our civilization”—and, I would sadly add, an infection that can obviously start in any neighborhood—even ours. We all need to assure our neighbors of Asian ancestry—and all our neighbors—that everyone of every background is welcome here.
In response to the neighbors who’ve reached out to us, we’ve collected and publicized (on this site’s “Community Resources” page) community safety information for folks victimized by or witnessing racial or other harassment.
Here are more resources to help us through this, some suggested to us by the Portland Sapporo Sister City Association:
General Information
The Stop Asian American/Pacific Islander Hate group has information to support communities standing against racism:
Incidents Report
Community members who have been impacted by a bias-driven incident can refer to APANO (Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon) and Portland United Against Hate’s “Resilience to Hate Resource Guide.” Incidents can be reported at, the Bias Response Hotline at 1-844-924-BIAS, or
How to Support the AAPI Community
Oregon Counselling listed a few recommendations on how to support AAPI communities including;
Check-in on your AAPI friends and colleagues
Support local AAPI owned businesses
Donate to local AAPI organizations and nonprofits
Follow and listen to AAPI news and advocates group online
Raising Awareness
Lan Su Chinese Garden in Portland downtown suggests simple steps to raise awareness of AAPI hate crimes.
1. Share your story on social media with #StopAsianHate. 2. Follow @StopAAPIHate on social media or visit to stay informed. 3. Visit the local AAPI nonprofit organizations and learn about their causes.
Resource for Kids
The Portland children's publisher A Kids Book About is offering a free e-book to help families discuss anti-Asian hate: